Yu-Kai Wang, Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
School of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Australia Artificial Intelligence Institute
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Presenter Type: Tutorial
Wei-Yu Chiu is currently an Associate Professor of electrical engineering with National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. His research interests include multiobjective optimization and reinforcement learning, and their applications to control systems, robotics, and smart energy systems. He was a workshop speaker giving talks about reinforcement learning and smart energy systems at Asian Control Conference in 2017 and 2019. He was the recipient of the Youth Automatic Control Engineering Award bestowed by Chinese Automatic Control Society in 2016, the Outstanding Young Scholar Academic Award bestowed by Taiwan Association of Systems Science and Engineering in 2017, the Erasmus+Programme Fellowship funded by European Union (staff mobility for teaching) in 2018, and Outstanding Youth Electrical Engineer Award bestowed by Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering in 2020. He is a Subject Editor of IET Smart Grid.